Have you found yourself wondering, trying to figure out how to make the best choice? It's insane, isn't it? But I always think that God has given us agency, the ability to choose for ourselves, not just to make a choice but to learn from it most importantly.
Previously, I'd been thinking of things to consider in making a choice. I'd been stressing myself out. My mind was preoccupied and could hardly hear the still small voice. I thought to myself, "Making a choice is not hard, but why can't I decide?" I paused for a while. A clear thought enlightened me when it refreshed my mind with these words, "what makes a decision-making hard is to actually stand for it, for what you know is right." While pondering about this, I came across a talk from President Thomas S. Monson where he said, "Decisions are constantly before us. To make them wisely, courage is needed—the courage to say no, the courage to say yes. Decisions do determine destiny".. truly it is!

Then an article blew my mind when I read parts of it. It says, "Making choices is an inevitable part of our life. Given a choice between two things, we normally tend to choose the one that looks better in our sight. Making a choice between two things becomes difficult when both the things seem to be equally good." It's funny to think because this was exactly the same situation that I was in for a while before I actually made a decision, something that will make my happiness eternal. It's incredible to think that our Heavenly Father has truly blessed us with the ability to choose for ourselves, a gift that as we use wisely, may lead us to eternity.